Decreasing Urinary Catheters in Kidney Injury (DUCKI)
Indwelling urinary catheters (IUC) are a big problem when overutilized and are associated with catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs). The goal of this project is to implement a program that decreases IUC in patients with oliguric acute kidney injury (AKI) and end stage renal disease (ESRD). Broadening the concept of early foley removal when appropriate in all critically ill patients is the overarching focus.
Currently, we aim to understand the effectiveness of IUC removal in the high yield group (AKI and ESRD) through the Decreasing Urinary Catheters in Kidney Injury (DUCKI) protocol. The DUCKI program was established in 2021 by a team of clinicians, led by RNs, to drive early IUC removal in patients with oliguric AKI and to prevent foley placement in patients with ESRD. IUC removal has become a focus of ICU “choose wisely” efforts. An implementation science approach to understanding barriers like the organization’s readiness for change pre- and post-implementation will inform strategies used to improve adoption and sustainability.
- Patten, Calvin1; Rosenzweig, Tiffany1; Shah, Maitri1; Castro, AC1; Sona, Carrie2; Robertson, Laurie3; Wessman, Brian4; ablordeppey, enyo4. 1244: CAN DECREASED URINARY CATHETERS BE SUSTAINED IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT?. Critical Care Medicine 52(1):p S594, January 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0001003140.30161.51
- Williams, Amber1; Lamb, Michael1; Sona, Carrie2; Wessman, Brian3; Ablordeppey, Enyo4. 116: DE-ESCALATING URINARY CATHETER OUTPUT MEASUREMENT REPORTING IN THE ICU: A QUALITATIVE SURVEY. Critical Care Medicine 51(1):p 41, January 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000906200.79000.85
- Williams, Amber1; Sona, Carrie2; Wessman, Brian3; Ablordeppey, Enyo4. 988: URINARY CATHETERS IN THE ICU: A QUANTITATIVE APPROACH TO DETERMINING UTILIZATION NECESSITY. Critical Care Medicine 51(1):p 487, January 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000909680.74498.69
- Schmid, Kristin1; Walsh, Maura1; Robertson, Laurie2; Schallom, Marilyn3; Prentice, Donna3; Sona, Carrie2; Wessman, Brian4; Ablordeppey, Enyo5. 1205: ACCEPTABILITY OF AN ULTRASOUND AND BLADDER SCANNER PROTOCOL TO REDUCE URINARY CATHETER UTILIZATION. Critical Care Medicine 50(1):p 602, January 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000811144.36623.c3
- Wessman, Brian4; Ablordeppey, Enyo5. 1271: BEDSIDE US AND BLADDER SCANNER-BASED PROTOCOL SAFELY REDUCES URINARY CATHETER USE IN KIDNEY INJURY. Critical Care Medicine 50(1):p 636, January 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000811408.75041.45
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